Child Protection
Procedures for Primary and Post- Primary
(Dept. of Education and Skills)
The primary aim of these guidelines for schools is to give direction and guidance to school management authorities and school personnel in dealing with
allegations/suspicions of child abuse. In addition, they also aim to provide sufficient information to school management authorities and school personnel
to enable them to be alert to and to be aware of what to do in situations where child abuse may be a concern or suspicion.
Children First: National Guidance
for the Protection and Welfare of Children
(Dept. of Children and
Youth Affairs)
These guidelines are intended to assist people in identifying and reporting child abuse and to improve professional practice in both statutory and voluntary
agencies and organisations that provide services for children and families.
Our Duty to Care
(Dept. of Health and Children)
Aimed at community and voluntary organisations providing services for children.
Offers guidance on promotion of child welfare and development of safe practices in work with children.
Also gives information on how to recognise signs of child abuse and correct steps to take within organisations if it is uspected, witnessed or disclosed.
Anti Bullying Procedures for Primary
and Post Primary Schools
(Dept. of Education and Skills)
Aims to assist schools in devising school-based measures to prevent and deal with bullying behaviour and increase the awareness of bullying behaviour
in the school community as a whole.
Guidelines Towards a Positive Policy for School Behaviour and Discipline
(Dept. of Education and Skills)
"The ethos or climate of a school is a major factor in establishing and maintaining high standards of behaviour and discipline.
This will involve a strong sense of community within the school and a high level of co-operation among staff and between staff, pupils and parents.
The school staff need to be aware of the fact that the values of the home and of the wider community which it serves may differ from the values
which the school tries to promote."
No Fear
(Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation)
This free book discusses issues of balance relating to Child Protection in a risk-averse society.
"Gill neither belittles the risks to children nor loses sight of the need for a balanced understanding. His book is a call to all who care about children not
to try to recreate a mythical age of childhood freedom and innocence but to demand realism and common sense from those who claim children’s safety to be their
foremost concern."