The Child abuse Prevention
Programme provides training for staff, parents and Boards of
Management in Primary and Special Schools.
Click here for more information.
Best Practice in Child Protection: Guidance for Schools
The aim of this booklet is to assist
schools in developing a comprehensive Child Protection Policy which addresses appropriate educational provision,
procedures for dealing with concerns and/or disclosures of abuse and child protection practices in operation in the school.
As Gaeilge
contains the following components:
and worksheets for Junior/Senior Infants
and worksheets for 1st /2nd Classes
and worksheets for 3rd /4th Classes
and worksheets for 5th /6th Classes
Stay Safe DVD
contains the following components:
Teacher's handbook with separate modules for children with cognitive, visual, hearing, behavioural or physical learning
difficulties. -
CD -
5 Posters
contains useful information for parents on the Stay safe programme, bullying and child abuse prevention.
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