This section allows you to view or print a version of the Stay Safe materials adapted for children with certain special educational needs.
Introduction and Preparatory Work
Module for children with Cognitive learning difficulties
Module for children with Physical disability
Module for children with Hearing impairment
Module for children with Visual impairment
Module for children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
Co-operation and Working Together (C.A.W.T.)
The following section allows you to view or print the resources produced under the auspices of C.A.W.T. as part of the
"Protecting Children with Disabilities from Abuse"project, between June, 1998 and December, 2000.
They are intended for use with children and young people with Special Educational Needs in the Post-Primary age group and older.
Background Information for Teachers
Background Information for Parents
Valerie's Story
Larry's Story
Stories relating to Sexual Abuse
Paul's Story
Brian's Story
Sharon's Story
Chris's Story
Jane's Story
Mary's Story
Additional Stories:
Jack's Story (Text)
Kate's Story (Text)
"Let's Talk About Telling" Posters